My Experience with Pixton
Hi everyone!
In this post I will talk about my experience with Pixton, in a project that I have developed with a group of 13 students from 3rd Compulsory Secondary Education
In fact, we have used Pixton as part of project in which students had to develop their critical thinking by introducing us to their REAL-LIFE SUPERHERO.
FINAL PRODUCT: Create an audio-comic about their Real-life superhero by using Pixton and comparing him/her to comic superheroes.
Here, you will find the online book that was created to put together all the students
Students were organised in groups of 3/4, trying groups with difficulties with others which show a good competence in English language.
1. I motivated the students with a video called: What`'s your superpower?
2. We worked on the topic by means of several readings: one of the was about the image of Wonder Woman throughout the history or Real-life superhéroes (From Teamwork 3)
- Develop critical thinking
- Work on adjectives
- Review Comparative and Superlative adjectives.
3. Listening about Real-life heroes characteristics.
4. Creation of a Canva- Choosing their Real-life superheroe and comparing him/her to a comic superheroe. Before creating the final one, I provided students with a draft sheet.
They had to use their critical thinking to realise about the difference between comic and real-life superheroes. They used comparative and superlative adjectives.
5. Creating an audio-comic in Pixton
5.1. Students completed a comic strips draft, deciding cooperatively about the strips order, the dialogues, etc. They had to used the comparative and superlative adjectives.
5.2. Creating the comic on pixton. Students created the avatars and designed the final comic strips
5.3. Students recorded the dialogues,using the computers or mobile phones and saved the files.
6. Creating an online book through Book Creator.
6.1. Students created their minie-book introducing every part: Canva, Comic and audio.
6.2. I combined every group work together and created the whole e-book
- Reviewing Adjectives:
- Reviewing Comparative and superlative adjectives
- Developing critical thinking: By means of the readings and listening contents and the following debates, the creation of comparison Canva, etc.
- Developing Digital Competence: By means of the use of Canva, Pixton and Book Creator
- Developing Writing Skill: By means of the Canva and the Comic
- Developing Speaking Skill : By means of the audio-comic
Students' creativity and imagination was developed by encouraging them to think, and share their thoughts regarding the topic.
Using videos, readings and listenings about the topic, made students raise their awareness about the topic and invited them to think about samples that they could find in their lives.
Afterwards, the use of the digital tools that we used, such as Canva, Pixton and Book creator, challenges the students to create a story just using their imagination, as the only samples that they could have was about fiction superheroes.
Students really enjoyed created their own comic and introducing it to Book creator. They realised they could create a real book.
What they enjoyed the least was the theoretical part of the work, for example, working on comparative and superlative. And also, some of them, found hard to create the dialogues.
I made a mistake grouping some students who made their mates work harder.
As I have said previously, every group created an e-book and I combined every e-book in a bigger one, so every student could see it.
Every group completed a Learning diary in which they noted down every student task in the group in each stage of the project, as well as the difficulties found along the project. Apart from that, at the end of the project, they completed a co-evaluation, auto-evaluation and teacher evaluation test.
Afterwards we commented on general opinion about the progress and results.
ResponderBorrarFirst of all, congratulations for your blog! I have read your entries and explored the activities proposed, and I really enjoyed them.
I found this one, using Pixton, very interesting. I haven't used this app, as I chose Storyjumper, and I really liked that your students voiced their own story. I also decided to create only one book from all students work, and I think yours turned to be great!
What I liked the most about your blog is how specific your answers are, and also the attractive proposals you made, so once again, congrats!