My Experience with Pixton
Hi everyone! In this post I will talk about my experience with Pixton, in a project that I have developed with a group of 13 students from 3rd Compulsory Secondary Education In fact, we have used Pixton as part of project in which students had to develop their critical thinking by introducing us to their REAL-LIFE SUPERHERO. FINAL PRODUCT : Create an audio-comic about their Real-life superhero by using Pixton and comparing him/her to comic superheroes. Here, you will find the online book that was created to put together all the students STUDENTS ORGANISATION Students were organised in groups of 3/4, trying groups with difficulties with others which show a good competence in English language. SEQUENCE 1. I motivated the students with a video called: What`'s your superpower? 2. We worked on the topic by means of several readings: one of the was about the image of Wonder Woman throughout the history or Real-life superhéroes (From Teamwork 3) Develop critical thinking Wor...